All my 5 are belong to you.
5/5, that is all.
All my 5 are belong to you.
5/5, that is all.
You didnt put your whole heart into this man, you should have gone further into why these reviewers were idiots, you just skimmed the surface, next time, make it so people would want to research and ridicule these reviewers, you really needed to step it up a bit and become more offensive.
Like i said..
You heard me and replied to me in the time squad reviews, and like i said all my 5 are belong to you, and will continue to do so forever!
This is NO exception!
not like anything you produce will ever be worth a 4 or lower anyways.
Well, nothing I've made yet, anyway :) I'm afraid to steer away from comedy because of how it will be received, but I'm gonna have to eventually when I start on Starkston Crusade.
But I'm glad to hear that Ep.6 was worth it!
It's funny, even as a Christian i could predict what reginald was about to say before he said it, because it is how EVERYONE who isnt muslim feels about it, but it took you to put it into words.
Mulsims, please of you want to be peaceful and not be mocked you have to earn it like everyone else.
Stop blowing up our stuff.
Stop blaming 'extremists' for everything that goes wrong.
Mix with westeners, dont' just stick with your taxi and 7-11 jobs and never talk to anyone, it is encouraging racial/religios segregation.
Don't burn flags and start riots over a cartoon.
Stop twisting your own holy book into a guide on how to kill everything.
I wish the YAAFM animator the best of luck in his life, as he is very well spoken and really knows how to get a point across, and i hope that this animation does not cause some sort of backlash for him, considering that this animation could well be looked at as something worse than the cartoons themselves, and knowing that the danish cartoonist has a very high price on his head from al-quaida (sp?), i really hope that you are safe and can make more of these animations.
(Notice i said i'm christian, and even though my religion was made fun of in this animation, im not burning any flags, or rioting, or bombing.. just act like civillised people guys, the world isnt that big.)
The people of newgrounds are not yet ready for something this funny!
Seriously, you have hit the goldmine for a plotline, wow, very very good, all my 5 are beling to you forever.
Haha, don't worry me like that.
Thanks for the scores :)
To the last reviewer
What crack are you smoking man? how can you say all these characters are ripped? You are a moron, all the things you quoted the characters were ripped from RIPPED their stuff from someone else.
Age 38
Mount Druitt College
Sydney, Australia
Joined on 6/3/04